TNR Lightning protection grounding system
Adaptation range

The TNR- grounding system adapts to residential, electric, factory, communications, military, and petrochemical grounding.

The grounding bar shows:

The TNR- grounding rod is made of copper clad steel and zinc coated steel, which can effectively prevent the corrosion of the steel bar. Users can choose the same type of Baotou Steel, copper thickness and grounding electrode according to the environmental geology.

Technical parameters of grounding rod
Model Texture of material Size Thickness of copper / zinc layer  mm Productive length  m
Grounding rod Copper clad steel φ 14,15,18,20,22,24,42 0.25,0.3,0.5,1.0 1-6
Grounding rod Zinc clad steel φ 14,15,18,20,22,24,42 1.0 1-6

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